Now, more than ever, it is imperative that your leaders and future leaders are equipped with as many tools possible to direct your program with strong leadership skills. This year TAAMS will award a new MTLI scholarship (1st year 2024 and 2nd year 2025) for one of its members! The recipient has to be an employee of a current TAAMS organization or a personal member. The application must be completed no later than October 31st 2024.

0 / 3500 Describe your current duties and responsibilities as a critical care transport professional.
0 / 3500 Clearly define your career goals and how achieving them will better the critical care transport community.
0 / 3500
Please upload your resume or CV
Please upload a letter of support from your supervisor.
By entering your signature below, you certify that the statements in this application are true to the best of your knowledge, and if your application is accepted you commit to successfully completing the two required years of MTLI beginning in 2024.
Enter your full name, job title and date of application (e.g. Anne Smith, Executive Director, 1 June 2023)